Going into my 50’s, I had a good thing going. I lived in a beautiful house in suburban Denmark with a big garden, and drove a nice car. Also, I was at the top of my game professionally.

Still, I made a bold decision. I started planning to become a digital nomad and travel the world full time. In the summer of 2016, I had sold everything, and since then,
I have been traveling full-time all over the world, and been living and working as a digital nomad.
In this talk, I will share some of the lessons I have learned from living this lifestyle.
I do better work when I’m passionate about something, and the best way to keep myself excited is to actively seek out ways to keep myself inspired.
- By making sure that my days are full of surprising experiences in unexpected places.
- By doing something different every day to feed my internal creative animal.
- By striking up conversations with strangers and try to get to learn something about their culture and way of life. And find out what makes them happy, thrilled or angry.
- By being a lifelong learner.
- By living life on the edge of my comfort zone.
- By living after the motto: “When in doubt say yes.” Unless it’s something that can get me hurt, I always say yes, when given a choice, like should I accept this invitation or should I do this bungy jump.
- By being around the right people. Energy is contagious, so whenever I can I try to surround myself with inspiring people in the digital nomad community.
You will hear a lot of stories from my journey so far, and a few clips from The Radio Vagabond Podcast.
LENGTH: 60-90 minutes.
PRICE: 1,800 USD, 1,600 EUR, 11,900 DDK (excluding travel expenses)