Unfortunately there too much bad advertising on the radio, and that is a shame, because it could so easily be much better.
This is one of the most popular lectures from Radioguru, where I go through the Ten Commandments and the Seven Deadly Sins of Radio Advertising and Spots.
In an exciting and provocative as well as entertaining lecture I promote 10 things that any advertiser should know about a radio campaign, and which 7 things they should avoid at any time – unless it is okay for you to throw money out the window.
In the lecture I offer a lot of practical advice along with a multitude of inspiring examples.
Leave with a great deal more wisdom and knowledge about radio advertising – and marketing in general. And you have also been entertained.
LENGTH: 1-1½ hours.
PRICE: 1,800 USD, 1,600 EUR, 11,900 DDK (excluding travel expenses)
Good radio advertising can entertain, move, and not least sell products and establish a name. Bad radio advertising can do nothing much but irritate the listener.Unfortunately there too much bad advertising on the radio, and that is a shame, because it could so easily be much better.
This is one of the most popular lectures from Radioguru, where I go through the Ten Commandments and the Seven Deadly Sins of Radio Advertising and Spots.
In an exciting and provocative as well as entertaining lecture I promote 10 things that any advertiser should know about a radio campaign, and which 7 things they should avoid at any time – unless it is okay for you to throw money out the window.
In the lecture I offer a lot of practical advice along with a multitude of inspiring examples.
Leave with a great deal more wisdom and knowledge about radio advertising – and marketing in general. And you have also been entertained.
- Focus on the advantages for the consumer
- Let the message be part of the story
- Use radio for call-to-action – in short powerful bursts
- Use radio for brand building – continuously
- Make series/ create universes
- Use the strengths of the radio media
- Use pictures – think visually
- Go after realism and sincerity
- Tell a story
- Be courageous, be open, and go against the stream
- Use advertising speak
- Be afraid of long spots
- Talk about yourself
- Have more than one message per spot
- Use music for no reason
- Be too busy with the production
- Drop the radio medium because it has not produced the calculated results. Maybe you used the medium wrongly.
LENGTH: 1-1½ hours.
PRICE: 1,800 USD, 1,600 EUR, 11,900 DDK (excluding travel expenses)